Talent development

Uralchem is convinced that the professional and personal growth of its employees guarantees a successful future. That is why our staff can expand their education using various programmes and platforms, including online courses, and successfully build a career in the Company.

   Key corporate employee development programmes include:

  • developing internal training centres
  • introducing digital educational services
  • introducing a sectoral system of professional qualifications
  • creating a performance management system

We implement a set of long-term corporate programmes in vocational training, managerial and leadership development, and activities to attract young people to our production facilities and create conditions for professional self-realisation and career growth. The programmes cover three main areas:

  • compulsory vocational training for workers and specialists

  • functional training

  • management training

Uralchem provides on-going training for its employees to continuously expand and deepen their competencies and improve their professional knowledge. This applies to all categories of employees, from managers to workers. Training is conducted through an internal educational platform that allows all employees to take online courses and develop their competencies at any convenient time. All of the Company’s business units are connected to the educational platform that collects expert information on the specificities of Uralchem’s production facilities, offers vocational training courses in workers’ specialties, and provides access to technical literature on various topics. The transition to online training has allowed for faster and broader employee training.

Individual development programmes

Uralchem seeks to award employees for their individual achievements, and so the Company’s production facilities are launching a system of individual development programmes, which allows employees to set individual development goals with guidance from their superiors.

The system is based on collective and individual KPIs and uses the MyGoals platform to set semi-annual and annual goals.

A feedback mechanism was introduced to allow employees to receive advice and be rated not only by their immediate supervisors but also by peers.

Attracting and retaining talents

Uralchem’s strategy to attract young talented specialists is aimed at building a long-term talent pipeline for the Company. The Group has been collaborating with leading universities for many years, providing support for educational initiatives, implementing joint projects, and offering internships to students who could potentially join Uralchem in the future.

In 2023, Uralchem together with Russian universities the following educational programs:

  • Personnel Consortium “APKadry”. As part of partnership, Uralchem collaborates with universities to provide internship opportunities at its plants for students, while universities offer retraining and advanced training for Uralchem employees;
  • Multilateral agreement with Russian Academy of Science (RAS), the Intersectoral Engineering Centre of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University (MSTU) and the Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU). This partnership aims to foster competencies among MSU students required for professional activities; develop technical skills and engineering thinking among schoolchildren in cooperation with MSTU; expand expertise through cooperation with the RAS in scientific research and jointly developed proposals for the introduction of highly efficient technologies;
  • Perspektiva Internship Programme. This Programme hires final-year students as interns at Uralkali, allowing them to combine their studies with the work at our production facilities. Through this hands-on experience, interns gain practical knowledge and onboard with Uralkali.