Occupational safety training for the staff

The company strives to create the most efficient personnel training system in the field of occupational health and safety. Uralchem ​​employees undergo training and certification as required by Russian law at external specialised educational institutions and at four of the Company's own licensed training centres.

In 2022, the Company implemented a range of training sessions and seminars, including:

  • mandatory training in occupational safety and fire safety for employees;
  • training on the proper application of personal protective equipment, occupational safety for hazardous operations, and training for personnel involved in the operation of thermal power units, among other specialised training;
  • professional development and certification in industrial safety;
  • professional retraining of occupational safety specialists.

In total, 26,703 OHS training and certification completed in 2022.

In 2022, a total of 379 employees from the Company took part in various international and regional conferences, meetings, and seminars related to OHS.