
Top-managers and specialists from URALCHEM, OJSC took part in the 36th meeting of the Council of International Fertilizer Industry Association (IFA) that took place from 2 until 4 December in Deli.
URALCHEM, OJSC is one of the first companies in Russia to register the Group’s products in European Chemicals Agency. Altogether the company registered 27 chemical substances. This procedure is provided for by the Regulation (EU) No 1907/2006 concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH). URALCHEM Assist GmbH, a German subsidiary, is the only agent of URALCHEM OJSC in the European Union.
Dmitry Osipov, Chief Executive Officer of URALCHEM OJSC (as a part of URALCHEM Group), commented on the Company’s first half of 2010 results
URALCHEM has recently become aware of a person or a group of people referred to as Eurochemagro, OJSC having illegally taken possession of the contents of URALCHEM’s web site.
New system will fully prevent hydrochloric and sulphuric acid, calcium, sodium, sulfite and chloride salts from going to the storm sewer system.
Dmitry Osipov, Chief Executive Officer of URALCHEM, OJSC, commented on the operating results of for the first half of 2010: “All of URALCHEM’s plants are presently running at full utilization rates".
The Board of Directors of URALCHEM, OJSC recommended that the general shareholders’ meeting resolve to reorganize the Company by merging Azot, OJSC and URALCHEM Management Company.
This being the second year of URALCHEM’s presence at Cereals, the company updated the customers on its improved product line for the British and Irish markets.
Revenue increased to US$ 325 million from US$ 235 million in 1Q 2009; operating profit increased to US$ 39 million from US$ 7 million in 1Q 2009; adjusted EBITDA increased to US$ 66 million from US$ 48 million in 1Q 2009; net income amounted to US$ 19 million compared to a net loss of US$ 118 million in the first quarter of 2009
Nikolay Leonov, Head of Eco-Team at Uralchem Management, LLC, one of the Group companies said: “Uralchem, OJSC is aware of its social responsibility for maintaining healthy environmental conditions in the regions where the company’s plants operate.