Uralchem plants reduce pollutant emissions


Having analyzed the operation of its plants, Uralchem summoned the results of environmental protection efforts in 2009 – 1Q 2010. Statistical reports show that in 2009 all plants reduced pollutant emissions in the atmosphere.

Voskresensk Mineral Fertilizers, OJSC, one of Uralchem Group companies reached minimum impact on the environment in 2009. The plant’s actual emissions were 16.6% of the maximum permitted value. Other Group companies too carried out serious work to reduce harmful impact on the environment – actual pollutant emissions at Mineral Fertilizer Plant of Kirovo-Chepetsk Chemical Works, CJSC and Azot, OJSC both being Uralchem Group companies, have not exceeded 65% of the permitted maximum.

In addition, in 2009 all Uralchem Group companies were able to reduce the quantity of pollutants in effluent water by 15% compared to the year 2008.

Both in 2009 and in 1Q 2010 Uralchem plants did not exceed the general pollutant emission standards. At the same time Azot, OJSC and MFP KCCW, CJSC were able to increase production.

Uralchem, OJSC increased environmental protection costs. In 2009 these costs for Group companies totaled RUR 224.8 million which is a 57.3% increase compared to the year 2008.

During the last year Uralchem Group companies increased several times the number of tests made on the boarder of sanitary protection zone (at least 1000 meters from the enterprises’ production sites). For instance, VMF, OJSC made 98 tests in 2008, and 300 tests in 2009.

Nikolay Leonov, Head of Eco-Team at Uralchem Management, LLC, one of the Group companies said: “Uralchem, OJSC is aware of its social responsibility for maintaining healthy environmental conditions in the regions where the company’s plants operate. The company is pursuing a balanced transparent environmental policy. The Group plans for further consistent decrease in development pressure on the environment. To do that, the company will install cutting-edge eco-technologies to carry out technical re-equipment of the production process; update key production techniques, implement new engineering solutions and use environmentally safe materials to improve environmental characteristics of present production, and will construct and modernize environmental facilities.