On 26 March, 2008 Kirov region administration held a working meeting on the subject of “Priorities, results and prospects of environmental activities of URALCHEM, OJSC”. Nikolay Gorokhov, Deputy Head of Kirov region government, Dmitry Osipov, CEO of URALCHEM, Sergey Drinevskiy, Managing Director – Director of the branch of URALCHEM MANAGEMENT COMPANY, LLC in Kirovo-Chepetsk and other representatives of URALCHEM and Kirovo-Chepetsk Chemical Works took part in the meeting. Besides, members of Legislative Assembly of Kirov region, as well as representatives of regional nature-conservative bodies and mass media also participated in the conference. In course of the meeting the participants discussed a number of environmental activities carried out by the works and URALCHEM.
Nikolay Gorokhov, deputy head of Kirov region noted the high activity of KCCW management with regard to implementation of nature-conservative measures. He noted that the works is a town-forming enterprise, that it plays a great role for the economy of the region and in parallel with the industrial activities invests considerable funds in implementation of nature-conservative measures.
In course of the working meeting Dmitry Osipov, CEO of URALCHEM, OJSC noted the decisive role of federal and regional authorities in organization of cooperation and resolving of issues related to the conservation of the environment.