URALCHEM announces 2008 production results
According to the results for the 12 months of 2008, URALCHEM enterprises produced 4,438,797 tonnes of commercial products, which is a 1% decrease compared to the same period in 2007 (including Azot, OJSC and Voskresensk Mineral Fertilizers, OJSC).
URALCHEM production of key commercial products in 2008-2007 (tonnes)
Production |
12 months of 2008 (including Voskresensk Mineral Fertilizers, OJSC)[i] |
12 months of 2007[ii] |
12 months of 2007 (including Azot. OJSC and Voskresensk Mineral Fertilizers, OJSC) 1 |
I |
II |
IV |
Ammonium nitrate and its derivatives |
2,218,210 |
1,143,031 |
2,130,308 |
4% |
Ammonia |
487,739 |
268,798 |
541,023 |
(10)% |
Urea |
433,329 |
– |
382,760 |
13% |
Complex fertilizers |
435,806 |
392,413 |
392,413 |
11% |
205,413 |
– |
239,012 |
(14)% |
241,093 |
– |
291,349 |
(17)% |
Other mineral fertilizers |
43,986 |
115,676 |
128,675 |
(66)% |
Phosphoric acid |
16,269 |
– |
26,857 |
(39%) |
Sulphuric acid |
178,301 |
– |
151,107 |
18% |
Other chemical products |
178,651 |
1,566 |
186,716 |
(4)% |
Total |
4,438,797 |
1,921,484 |
4,470,220 |
(1)% |
Dmitry Osipov, Chief Executive Officer of URALCHEM, OJSC commented: “The first 9 months of 2008 were very favourable for the Company; we managed to achieve great results regarding the output of a number of products. However, in the 4th quarter of 2008, due to decreased overall demand on the global markets, the Company shifted its production to those products still in demand by consumers. As a result, the output of some products was adjusted to lower levels.
In the beginning of 2009 global demand for many types of mineral fertilizers has become more brisk and made it possible to restore optimal production levels at many plants. URALCHEM will continue to promptly adjust its production strategy in accordance with economic and market conditions.”
[i]The information in this column is based on consolidated production results of URALCHEM Group (including KCCW, OJSC, Azot, OJSC and Voskresensk Mineral Fertilizers, OJSC) as if the acquisition of Azot, OJSC and Voskresensk Mineral Fertilizers, OJSC took place on 1 January, 2007.
[ii]The information in this column is based on consolidated production results of URALCHEM Group for 2007, which include the information on KCCW, OJSC only.