URALCHEM has filed its bid for Apatit shares
Moscow, Russia – June 6, 2012. URALCHEM OJSC filed an application on 5 June, 2012 to participate in the tender for 1,663,213 federally owned ordinary shares in Apatit OJSC which constitute about 20% of its total share capital.
The application was submitted to BNP Paribas Bank, which is acting as organizer of the tender and is representing the interests of the Russian Federation in selling the shares. The sale is being carried out in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 3, 2011 № 1920-r and the agency contract № 01-04/634 of 10.11.2011.
When applying for the bid, URALCHEM OJSC submitted all necessary documents, including a bank guarantee for the planned minimum selling price of the Apatit OJSC shares amounting to 10.5 billion roubles. Also submitted was a document giving the consent of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation for the purchase of shares of Apatite OJSC.
Acceptance of the full package of documents was confirmed by a statement signed between BNP Paribas Bank and URALCHEM OJSC.
On 01.06.2012 the Board of Directors of URALCHEM OJSC passed a decision to approve a major transaction for the acquisition of shares in Apatite OJSC for an amount not to exceed 20 billion roubles.