Warning to current and potential customers of URALCHEM


Please note that in August 2012 fraudulent letters (emails) containing an offer to sell URALCHEM branded products were mailed out by unknown individuals. Those letters were sent from the uralchem.spb.ru domain with the probable intention to appear to have originated from URALCHEM HOLDING P.L.C..

URALCHEM OJSC officially declares that the aforementioned mailing is an act of unfair competition. Uralchem.spb.ru domain is not owned by URALCHEM or its subsidiaries.

URALCHEM’s product sales are carried out exclusively by the Company’s trading subsidiaries:
URALCHEM Trading House LLC – for Russia and CIS
SIA URALCHEM Trading, Riga – for foreign markets

URALCHEM confirms that the Company did not authorize any other companies and organizations to enter into a contract of sale on behalf of URALCHEM OJSC or its affiliated trading companies.

URALCHEM OJSC, URALCHEM HOLDING P.L.C. and its subsidiaries are not involved in distribution of the fraudulent letters regarding the sales of the URACHEM products.

If you have any doubts or questions concerning the proposals or procurement contracts for the URALCHEM products, please don’t hesitate to contact us:
In Russia and CIS – use strictly the contact information displayed on the web-site of URALCHEM Trading House: http://www.td.uralchem.ru 
Abroad: Mr. Valentin Lavrentiev, Director General of SIA URALCHEM Trading, tel +371  673 88 100, e-mail: valentin.lavrentiev@uralchem.com 
Mr. Vladislav Lyan, Deputy Director General of SIA URALCHEM Trading, tel +371  673 88 100, e-mail: vladislav.lyan@uralchem.com