Uralchem spent over RUB 1 billion on charity in 2023
Uralchem allocated over RUB 1 billion for charity and sponsorship programmes in 2023.
The charity programmes are split into six main blocks: Uralchem for Children, Uralchem for Veterans, Uralchem for Regions, Uralchem for Education and Science, Uralchem for Cultural Traditions, and Uralchem for Sports.
Under the Uralchem for Children and Uralchem for Education and Science programmes, the Company runs joint activities with educational institutions, participates in themed events, provides various support to children’s clubs and associations, rehabilitation centres and boarding schools, and implements chemistry learning and teaching projects. Uralchem actively collaborates with the Sirius Educational Centre. In particular, Uralchem became an industrial partner of the “Sirius. Summer. Launch Your Project” educational initiative held in the Perm Region in 2022-2023 to seek out talented young people from different parts of Russia. The Company is also a partner and a participant of the “Big Challenges”, a content of projects for school and university students involved in scientific research. Uralchem also implemented two projects related to agroindustrial and biological technologies: “Analysis of soil bacteria supporting plant growth within the Sirius Federal Territory” and “Impact of the quality of optical energy on growth processes and gene expression of secondary metabolites of plants with increased sunlight exposure”. In 2023, the KCKK Branch allocated over RUB 4 million for educational projects, while the VMF branch financed renovation of educational institutions in Voskresensk.
Uralchem for Regions focuses on the development of areas of the Company’s presence, which includes urban environment, infrastructure and environmental activities. Each year, Uralchem’s plants extend social partnership agreements with local authorities, take part in municipal projects, and provide financial assistance to regional healthcare institutions.
Uralchem for Veterans is mainly about supporting retired employees and veteran organisations. The Company pays quarterly allowances to labour veterans, helps them with health issues, and arranges fitness and cultural events. For instance, the veteran organisation of the Azot branch has over 2000 members, and in 2023 the branch allocated around RUB 16 million for the support of veterans.
Uralchem for Cultural Traditions was established to finance art and cultural institutions, support various concerts, exhibitions, festivals, and other events. Throughout 2023, the Company has held a number of creativity events for employees and local communities.
Uralchem for Sports consolidates support of athletic activities. The Company organises national and regional projects, invites celebrity athletes to hold master classes and tournaments for amateurs and professionals, and sponsors regional sports federations. In particular, the PMF branch provides regular support to the development of swimming in the Perm Region, which in 2023 included five regional competitions and the Perm Wave national tournament commemorating Perm’s 300th anniversary.