Uralchem Publishes its 2022 ESG Report

Uralchem Publishes its 2022 ESG Report

Uralchem (the Company) published its 2022 ESG Report, which reflects the key qualitative and quantitative results of the Company’s sustainability activities.

The ESG Report was developed in line with reporting standards of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB), and also follows recommendations of the Тask Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). A public assurance of the document was provided by the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs.

The highlights of Uralchem’s achievements along its ESG Strategy journey are given below.

In the environmental aspect, the Company reduced its GHG emissions, power consumption, water withdrawal and improved energy efficiency of its operations. Environmental expenditures in 2022 were increased to around RUB 2.7 billion.

Social activities of the Company included provision of employment opportunities for young talents and implementation of joint academic programmes with universities. Uralchem’s social investments also grew from 2021 and reached RUB 686 million in 2022. In terms of health and safety, the Company reported zero fatalities among employees, as well as zero fires and other emergencies at production facilities.

Among the main strategic priorities of the Company are the support and development of sustainable agriculture, as well as contributing to food security. In particular, experts from Uralchem helped farmers use fertilisers they buy from the Company more efficiently, and provided various agronomic services to its customers. In total, Uralchem held 79 agronomic literacy workshops in 2022, which gathered 13,250 participants.

In terms of the governance aspect, the Company continued the development of its risk management and anti-corruption system and the introduction of sustainability practices along supply chains. Also in 2022, the Company developed a system to assess its suppliers against ESG criteria and has rated around 13% of its suppliers by the end of last year.

Another activity carried from previous years from the digital transformation process. In 2022, the Company launched the Data Analytics School, which is an education project for employees who need to use modern data tools and automate routine operations at work.

More detailed information about ESG activities of Uralchem can be found here.