Uralchem and Uralkali Take Part in CIPR-2023
Uralchem and Uralkali joined the Digital Industry of Industrial Russia 2023 (CIPR-2023) conference held from May 31 to June 2 in Nizhny Novgorod.
Other participants include Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko, heads of relevant ministries, and leading Russian IT companies.
The programme of the conference includes various sessions, discussions and round tables, where participants exchanged their achievements and prospects. In particular, representatives of Uralchem and Uralkali presented their digital products and services, and shared their experience in data analysis and digital transformation. A separate report was made on the use of artificial intelligence in agriculture through the example of Digital Agro LLC, a member of Uralchem Group.
Tatiana Surdina, Uralchem Marketing Director:
As truly client-oriented companies, both Uralchem and Uralkali try to supplement their mineral fertilisers with comprehensive agronomic solutions. The use and development of artificial intelligence is our strategic objective. Our guidance systems help our clients take their agricultural businesses to a new level and contribute to food security of Russia.
Valery Fokin, Uralchem and Uralkali IT Director:
A modern organisation’s efficiency and ability to make the right decisions at the right time is conditional upon a full digitisation of existing processes and the availability of powerful data tools. For this, we are actively developing our own basic process architecture to support an overarching data and advanced analytics platform. In parallel to that, we are shaping an innovative corporate culture, and this digital transformation is what makes Uralchem and Uralkali modern and efficient businesses.
The formal agenda of CIPR-2023 allows the business community, digital transformation leaders, state authorities, and market players to discuss current conditions for the development of digital technologies, generation of supply and demand for Russian solutions and products, and to exchange their views on the necessary crisis response measures supporting the transformation of key industry sectors and the sustainability of economic and public development.