Uralchem and Uralkali Join the Green Brand League

Uralchem and Uralkali Join the Green Brand League

Uralchem and Uralkali became members of the Green Brand League, a Russian organisation of sustainable producers.

Candidates to the League have to undergo an assessment of corporate ESG practices, standards and methodologies. Uralkali achieved the highest possible result of this pre-admission assessment (20 points out of 20), and Uralchem scored 16.5. For both companies, the ongoing ESG transformation and introduction of corporate ESG strategies became the key drivers for a successful membership.

In the Green Brand League, Uralchem and Uralkali will be focusing on establishing responsible environmental and social practices, and will also be supporting the efforts to develop the Brand Sustainability national standard spearheaded by Russian Quality System, an autonomous non-profit organisation acting as a national quality watchdog.


The Green Brand League was established in 2019. It is both a guidance centre and a communication platform promoting the sustainability agenda among the business community. The key activities of the League include standardisation of ESG assessments of brands, formulation of the national green strategy, and development of a methodology to assess climate responsibility and sustainability maturity in small and medium-sized businesses.