Highlights of Uralchem’s Charity Activities in 2021
In 2021, Uralchem allocated RUB 642.7 million for charity and sponsorship programmes.
The Company's charity and sponsorship activities are covered by six general programmes: Uralchem for Children, Uralchem for Veterans, Uralchem for Regions, Uralchem for Education and Science, Uralchem for Cultural Traditions, and Uralchem for Sports.
As part of Uralchem for Children and Uralchem for Education and Science, the Company cooperates with preschoolsand schools, directly participates in organising municipal and themed events, provides comprehensive support to children's clubs and associations, rehabilitation centres and boarding schools. Uralchem also supports and implements projects for chemistry students and teachers, equips classrooms, and purchases modern classroom equipment.
Uralchem for Veterans focuses on care to retired employees and veterans' organisations. For instance, Uralchem’s production facilities pay quarterly allowances to labour veterans, help arranging rehabilitation programmes, and finance local councils of veterans, which cumulatively have over 10,000 members.
Development of the regions where the Company operates, improvement of the urban environment, planting of vegetation, repairs of public roads, arrangement of clean-up and other environmental events are the key activities under Uralchem for Regions. Every year, Uralchem's production facilities sign social partnership agreements with local authorities, take part in municipal projects, and allocate funds to help regional hospitals. In particular, in 2021 the Company transferred 296 apartments to the Kirov regional administration for public sector employees.
Uralchem for Cultural Traditions helps the Company to contribute to the spiritual growth and cultural development of young people. Under the auspices of Uralchem, military-themed and patriotic festivals and games are held; also, funds are allocated for the creation of literary works and financing is provided to religious organisations.
As part of Uralchem for Sports, the Company launches various sports projects at the federal and regional levels, helps upgrade sports infrastructure, invites international sports stars to conduct master classes and tournaments for amateurs and professionals, and helps organising competitions in boxing, Greco-Roman wrestling, ice hockey, judo, and football. Also, Uralchem has been the main sponsor of the Russian Swimming Federation for more than 10 years.