URALCHEM Invested Over RUB 860 Million in Environmental Projects
URALCHEM JSC spent RUB 860.6 million on environmental projects in 2019, exceeding its 2018 figure by 2.5 times.
The company’s basic principles in this field include: compliance with legal requirements and regulations, implementation of an investment policy concerning rational use of natural resources and eco-friendly operations during reconstruction and upgrade of production facilities, continuous multi-level environmental impact assessment.
URALCHEM constantly works to improve technological processes on its premises. The company assesses its pollutant emission rates and keeps its purification systems duly updated.
The KCKK Branch continued to upgrade its industrial waste purification systems. One major project was the installation of a new gas purification system in the Shop of Phosphoric Acid and Nitrate Salts. That helped improve the air quality in the working area and minimise environmental risks of pollutant emissions. The plant carried on the replacement of heat transfer equipment and industrial pipelines. Acid-resistant flooring was repaired and vessel equipment trays were updated to prevent industrial waste from getting into water cycles and sewage systems.
Perm’s PMF Branch doesn’t contaminate open waterbodies with effluents; instead, the latter are sent to a contractor for final treatment. Payments for this service constitute a significant part of the plant’s environmental expenses. PMF also practices separate waste collection: scrap metal, paper, PP packages and used mineral oils are all sent for recycling.
The Azot Branch continued to implement an investment project on environmental upgrade. The main focus was placed on reducing the consumption of such resources as water and natural gas. Up-to-date purification systems were put into commission, and industrial waste began to get recycled and neutralised. The plant held trainings for environmental safety specialists and senior officers. The key events aimed at upgrading a number of shops: Ammonia, Weak Nitric Acid, Water-Resistant and Granular Ammonium Nitrate, Steam-Water Supply and Service Lines, Gas Processing.
An essential element of VMF’s strategy aimed at reducing environmental impact is the equipment upgrade in the current production chain. The second stage of a major project to update sulphuric acid production included the replacement of the A2 ultimate absorption tower which collects pollutants before they are emitted. 39 mist collectors serving as filters were installed inside the tower. Extensive work to improve environmental safety of industrial processes was carried out in all of the plant’s main shops.
In November 2019, the PMF Branch confirmed URALCHEM’s active environmental efforts by successfully passing a Bureau Veritas Certification for ISO 14001:2015 compliance. Moreover, the International Fertiliser Association last year named URALCHEM’s PMF Branch the world’s best plant of the industry in terms of responsible production management.
URALCHEM traditionally takes an active part in national and regional environmental events including the ones aimed at raising people’s ecological consciousness. Thus, trees and bushes are planted in Kirovo-Chepetsk under annual event called Sprout of Kindness. In 2019, PMF helped charitable foundation Inhabited Ural launch mobile application Clean Perm for separate waste collection. URALCHEM sponsored the creation of an educational trail on the premises of Perm School No. 132. In Voskresensk, Lopatinsky Landfill and VMF’s Shop of Effluents Neutralisation and Purification were the sites where environmental trainings and tours were available to students throughout the academic year. The Azot Branch got a certificate for joining nationwide initiative Green Spring 2019. The plant also took part in such events as Collect Bottle Caps for Recycling, Plant A Tree in Your Town, Give Life to a Tree and Russian Water.