URALCHEM Produces 3 Million Tons of Products in the First Six Months of 2016
In the first six months of 2016, URALCHEM Group produced 3 million tons of commodity products, which corresponds to the high level from the same period last year.
Comparative output indicators of URALCHEM Group enterprises (thousand tons):
Product |
6m 2015 |
6m 2016 |
Change, thousand t |
Change, % |
Ammonium nitrate and its derivatives |
1 462 |
1 474 |
12 |
1% |
Merchant ammonia |
438 |
420 |
-18 |
-4% |
Urea |
599 |
559 |
-40 |
-7% |
Complex fertilizers |
356 |
354 |
-3 |
-1% |
23 |
91 |
68 |
300% |
Other mineral fertilizers |
10,54 |
11,34 |
0,8 |
8% |
Other chemical products |
104 |
115 |
11 |
11% |
Total |
2 993 |
3 025 |
32 |
1% |
The company managed to significantly increase the output for MAP products (monoammonium phosphate 12:52 and monoammonium phosphate special water-soluble 12:61). URALCHEM produced 91 thousand tons of these products, which is 300% higher than the totals from the first six months of last year. The production of ammonium nitrate generally remained at the high levels seen in 2015.
Despite the complexity of the global market for mineral fertilizers, URALCHEM has maintained the high production efficiency it had in the same period of the previous year, including in the nitrogenous fertilizers sector, which is the most popular in the domestic market. After the relaunch of Voskresensk Mineral Fertilizers the output of phosphorus fertilizers has increased. The company has recently completed a large-scale investment project boosting its production level. High production efficiency allows the company to act confidently and continue growing, even under the negative impact of external factors.