Energy efficiency

Uralchem regularly implements measures to reduce energy consumption and improve energy efficiency of its operations. The Company's plants collect and record energy consumption data, set relevant targets, develop and implement short-term annual and long-term energy conservation programmes, which provide for the introduction of the best management practices and advanced resource conservation techniques.

Energy saving programme activities are aimed at:
  • reduction of specific costs of energy resources – natural gas, electricity, thermal energy, industrial water, compressed air;
  • reduction of consumption and the amount of purchased energy resources.

Uralchem is implementing the following key energy conservation initiatives:
  • improving technology processes;
  • upgrading equipment;
  • reducing fuel and energy losses;
  • increasing equipment reliability.

In 2023, Uralchem executed the following initiatives within our energy-saving and efficiency improvement programme:

  • conducted analysis of energy consumption intensity, including standardized and general production expenditures;
  • developed electricity consumption plans based on hourly consumption schedules, accounting for production operating modes;
  • ensured timely verification of energy metering devices;
  • transitioned to LED technology;
  • installed variable frequency drives;
  • conducted fuel-air operational testing of steam boilers and gas-using equipment.