Uralchem runs a HOTLINE created to receive information about fraud, corruption and other negative acts that are detrimental to the interests of Uralchem, our existing and potential partners and employees, and also to improve the quality of our procurement activities, personal protective equipment, and working conditions.
The following communication channels are available:
Phone: +7 (800) 250 28 98 (toll free), +7 (915) 270 74 31
Email: ,
Postal address: Uralchem Hotline. 6/2 Presnenskaya Embankment, Moscow 123112, Russia.
The hotline can be used by Uralchem’s employees and counterparties or any other person wishing to report fraud, corruption and other negative acts that are detrimental to the interests of Uralchem, our existing and potential partners and employees.
● every message is verified;
● all messages handled with a maximum degree of confidentiality by a limited number of designated employees;
The following situations can be reported via the Hotline:
● theft and/or misuse of the Company’s property and assets;
● fraud, abuse of office by the Company’s employees;
● bribes, kickbacks and other corrupt practices by the Company’s employees;
● a conflict of interest in relations of the Company’s employees with counterparties;
● disclosure and misuse of commercially sensitive and confidential information of the Company;
● violations of tender procedures;
● unfair competition in relation to the Company companies on the part of market participants;
● risks or threats of terrorist acts at or near the Company’s assets;
● other negative acts that could damage the Company.