The Azot Branch of Uralchem in Berezniki
The Azot Branch of Uralchem is the only Russian producer of higher aliphatic amines, sodium nitrate, and crystalline sodium nitrite.
The main products of Azot are ammonium nitrate, ammonia aqueous solution, ammonia water, urea, nitric acid, and nitrite/nitrate salts. The branch was one of the first Russian mineral fertiliser producers to register its products under the REACH regulation to officially confirm its right to exports to the European Union.
The sales geography includes Russia, the CIS and other countries.
Address: 75 Churtanskoye Road, Berezniki, Perm Region, Russia, 618401
Tel: +7 (3424) 29-84-22
Fax: +7 (3424) 26-48-72