Uralchem Reviews its Environmental Activities for 2023

Uralchem Reviews its Environmental Activities for 2023

In total in 2023, Uralchem (the Company) allocated over RUB 3.5 billion for the financial of environmental projects.

In particular, the Company implemented a number of process improvements, modernised and reconstructed treatment facilities, completed a range of environmental investment projects, cooperated with educational institutions to raise environmental awareness of students, and provided advanced training for employees in hazardous waste management.

The VMF branch of Uralchem mainly focused on reducing discharges of pollutants into water bodies. As part of these activities, ion exchange resins were replaced at the chemical water treatment area of the contact-process sulphuric acid shop.

The Company’s production facilities traditionally give special priority to efforts aimed at reducing consumption of natural resources, ensuring compliance with waste management legislation, and maintaining industrial environmental monitoring.

In this respect, the KCKK branch continued removal of PCB-containing equipment to fulfil requirements of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants. This process is expected to be completed in 2024.

Uralchem also supports various environmental events like The Water of Russia, Our Forest, Doctorov’s Chestnuts, The Good Sprout, the national clean-up day, and the national environmental dictation.

In 2023, Uralchem’s Azot branch launched the Fertilise! environmental awareness project, which included a series of lectures given by activists of the Leader’s League to students about fertilisation of soil, cultivation of flowers, and preservation of the environment.

The Company’s systemic approach to environmental protection was evidenced by successful completion by its plants of ISO 14001:2015 re-certification and supervision audits